Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog 3 Explore with Purpose

Explore the following links...

United Nations Statistics Division
United Nations Human Rights
US Census 2010
United Way
Population Reference Bureau
Global Policy Forum
Globalization 101
Find and briefly explain, include links when appropriate. 
1. One thing that makes you angry/sad
2. One thing that makes you happy 
3. One thing that surprises you 
4. One thing that makes you thankful 
5. One thing that makes you think about change 
6. One thing that makes your think about politics
7. One thing you think others should check out (include the link)

Post your response in the comments box and on your wiki page. 
Respond to at least 2 other people with questions or comments.
Try to answer the questions asked of you.  

image from


  1. Megan Gonzales
    1. One thing that made me sad is the fact that "12,000 fewer children perish daily in 2010 than in 1990". Although it is great that the number is declining it is still hard to accept that this many children die in the first place everyday because of circumstances that can be preventable such as sanitarty water, immunizations, healthcare for newborns, and improved nutrition. -UNICEF
    2. One think that made me happy was the volunteer organization United Way that joins communities by volunteering just one hour a week to reading, tutoring, and mentoring a child in you city. This helps a childs' self importance and increases the childs'wants to be better educated. They believe children are the future and by volunteering we are helping our children in our cities become better prepared in our society. -United Way
    3. One thing that suprised me was the fact that chronic diseases now reside in the youth of America and the four main causes are tobacco, alcohol, lack of excersise, and poor nutrition. The younger our youth becomes addicted to these components the sooner they are likely to gain cancer,diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. These are all life threatning diseases that cannot be reversed and the numbers are estimated to double from 2008 to 2030!-population reference bureau
    4. One thing thing that makes me thankful is that Globalization has made it necessary to be educated so that one can be well informed, trained, and better motivated for the work force. Globalization has it's down falls such as taking advantage of poor countries but it has it's upsides to such as the fact that it has greatly influenced the lives of woman world wide, espeacially in developing worlds. So while globalization comes with conns it also has pros too.
    5. Something that makes me think about change is the issue on Global Warming and how we have intensified destroying our planent. So how do we reverse what we have already done? "Unless people seegreen economy as a tool to achieve sustainable development and poverty alleviation, it's not going to go forward and we're heading furthur to failure" -Chantal Line Carpentier, of the UN Department of Economic and Social affairs. As a resident of earth I want to do everything possible to preserve my home. I do not know why people are not taking this as seriously as it should be taken.
    6. One thing that made me think about politics was the topic on gender and how statistically equality for women has risen in the past two decades. Politics were once ruled by white men only but now America is seeing a change in not only gender in power but other races as well. Policy making is now more diverse than it has ever been. I view this as a good thing.
    7. One thing otheres should check out is "Unite to End Violence Against Women" violence/. It is a campaign to end violence towards women not only in poor countries but in all parts of the world. The UN is "joining forces with individuals, civil soceity, and all goverenments to put an end to violence against women in all its forms". -United Nations Human Rights

  2. In response to Megan Gonzales.
    I totally agree with you on the United Way website. It is an awesome way for people to get involved and do good in this world. Along with this is has many tools for people who need help to get help. It not only help though it teaches people to.
    Ilsse Rodriguez

  3. One thing that really surprised me was that Mexico's literacy rate was not as low as I thought for youth 15-24 yrs. of age.
    In fact it is almost the same as China's literacy rate. This is surprising because I always hear how the education
    system in Mexico is so poor. But, in fact the literacy rate is very high. (The website I found it on was

    One thing that really made me happy was to see that there are organizations like the UNODC that fights back towards
    human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Without organizations like these there would be no one to speak out towards these
    cruel and inhuman practices. (The website i found this one was

    One thing that made me think about politics is this website
    This website is about the U.S census. It made me think of politics because of all the information it provides on things
    that one wouldn't even though were possible of counting an estimate to. For example in the website I view a page on Halloween and how many
    people go out how much candy is given out etc.

    One thing that makes me extremely sad is the situation going on right now in the Horn of Africa and Somalia. It's terrible
    to see how many children's life's are ending and being destroyed because of the poor conditions in which people live over
    there. Of course there are other factors that influence this too like the prolonged drought and the out of control
    rising prices for food. But, even though there are organizations like the UNICEF these conditions will still be present if
    something nationwide does not occur to better the environments of these people.

    A website I think everyone should visit (Including me) and be a part of is This website
    is awesome. It gives way to a better future for anyone that needs help. It also help individuals be a part of something bigger
    by volunteering. Along with this it provides so much information for families that need help be it educational help, or financial help even medical help.
    It has extraordinary missions and goals to help young people stay in school and to help families establish themselves financially.

    One thing or website that made me think of change was
    One subject in particular made me think of it. The issue was marriage and child bearing. Divorce rates have gone up a great
    deal in recent years compared to other years. Also, there is the increase in women having more children. Usually women who
    had a career had less children however these numbers have gone up.

    One thing that made me thankful was that because of globalization people are becoming more open to other ideas. Hopefully
    one day this can lead to a more peaceful world. The website where I started thinking about this was
    It has made us become more aware and educated with other cultures so that maybe one day we can all respect our differences.
    Websites like this make us aware of what is going on all around us

  4. 1. One thing that makes me sad is that 21,000 children die each day from preventable causes. While the number of children dying is dropping, 21,000 is still way to high of a number. We shouldn’t stop trying to help until every child has the same opportunity for a healthy, happy life. – UNICEF
    2. One thing that makes me happy is that there is still an organization dedicated to helping the people of Haiti. Once the news died down, many people forgot or stopped thinking about Haiti, but the people there still needed help. I am glad that UNICEF is still trying to help them, and won’t stop until they are back to a normal way of life.- UNICEF
    3. Something that surprises me is the UN Security Council. Five powerful countries are the only permanent members; other members are elected for two year terms. Also, the five permanent members gave themselves “veto power”. Why should so much power be put in the hands of these five powerful countries? These five countries can veto anything that smaller, less powerful countries want, so the only things brought to the table are what the powerful countries want. This doesn’t make sense, as most of the conflict is happening in smaller countries, so why don’t they have the right to help fix it themselves, instead of the powerful countries? – Global Policy Forum
    4. Reading about all the teachers who had made a difference in a child’s life made me thankful for all the teachers I’ve had. I was blessed with many amazing teachers who made me love learning, and I am thankful that they worked so hard to make school a great experience for all their students.- United Way
    5. One think that makes me think about change is the competition for natural resources. Most wars and conflicts are started over natural resources and who wants to control them. Powerful governments think that they are entitled to all the resources available, and use whatever force they can to get them. We need to focus less on stealing others resources and more on finding a different power source. If we could find a different way to fuel things, much of the world’s conflict could be resolved. -Global Policy Forum
    6. One thing that makes me think about politics is the proposals for global taxes. Politicians are beginning to support the idea. They say they would tax such things as carbon emissions in order to reduce emissions, but it makes you wonder if they would stop there or use it for other things. – Global Policy Forum
    7. One thing I think everyone should check out is It’s a forum on child and family statistics, and it has some interesting reports on issues relating to the children of the world. Children are the future, so I think we should all be concerned with each child’s well being.
     In response to Megan Gonzales, I think the Unite to End Violence Against Women campaign is a great campaign to be a part of. Since women in America are generally treated well, people can forget what kind of violence is happening around the world.
     In response to Ilsse Rodriguez, I agree that the United Way website is a great way to do something good for the world. Most people are looking for a simple, easy way to help, and this website makes it possible to contribute to a good cause without much difficulty. It is a great site that everyone should visit once and a while to see how they can help.
    -Staci Darden

  5. In response to Staci Darden.
    The competition for natural resources definitely makes me think about change also. I think wars and disputed over resources are going to get much worse before they get better. Before governments come together to instead of fight for the remaining resources they look for alternate options for the shortage of the resources.
    Ilsse Rodriguez

  6. 1. One thing that makes me upset/sad is that 21,000 children die everyday from preventable causes. This shouldn't be happening. Even though we are in different countries, I feel like there is something that we could still do to try and help them out. -UNICEF
    2. One thing that makes me happy is that technology is really driving our globalization. We have had some great technological advancements in the past years, and I love how we are able to use them to help different people and businesses. -Globalization 101
    3. One thing I'm surprised about was the different population percentages there were. The percentage of Asians was the highest. I was definitely not expecting that one. - US Census 2010
    4. One thing that makes me thankful is that people are finally starting to forget Osama Bin Laden. After the military took care of that whole thing nobody has really ever mentioned his name, and that is a very good thing. -Global Policy Forum
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is that we need to fix children being in harms way. In other countries they are around some of the worst dangers when they don't need to be. I wish there was something that I could do personally to try and fix this. -United Nations Human Rights
    6. One thing that makes me think about politics is social and economic statistics. People are trying to develop them in the fields of health, education, and housing. I feel like a strong political leader would have to greatly take care of that one. -United Nations Statisics Division

  7. In response to Megan Gonzales:

    I totally agree with your like about making you sad. The UNICEF link broke my heart because I hate seeing bad news about children. I really wish there was something that we could all do to fix this.

  8. In response to Staci Darden:

    I totally agree with the thing that makes you happy. Although I put down something different, I am very happy that people are still helping out the people of Haiti. It's very good to see that there are good people out there not forgetting that horrible tragedy that had happened.

  9. 1 & 4 I agree with what some of my classmates have mentioned in that the child death rate reported by the UNICEF page both saddened and angered me. It's horrible to think of how much death can so easily be avoided if more people would give a hand. I help my aunt take care of her kids during the day while she works, and I just can't imagine being in a place where there is such a high possibility that her now 4 yr old boy would only have one more year left. It made me feel very grateful for the opportunities and resources that I have. It helped me to realize how much we take for granted here.
    2. I was so happy to see all the different opportunities that are there for people to help on both the UNICEF page and the United Way page. Its great that they have that accessible, now we just need more people to step up.
    3. I was surprised a bit at the amount of resources available by the Outreach Program for the UN and Holocaust. I think it's wonderful what they are doing to promote the lessons it has taught us and prevent further genocide. I know it is something we learn about in school as a part of history, but I was unaware that such a program existed.
    5. It's easy to think of change just by surfing from one page to another. Time, technology, our society has changed so much, it's amazing to think that so much information is available to us who are fortunate enough with just a click of a button. It is also something that has become so commonplace to many of us that I think we've both come to take it for granted, and lost some of appreciation and wonder of it all.
    6. As I was looking at UNICEF's site, I noticed under their advocate section that they mention taking to our congressman about having the government help fund them. I know this would be a great help to their group to further their efforts, but it made me wonder about how well our government deals with not only this but other issues as well. There is so much campaign going on to gain voters, but the only really global issue I can remember from recent elections is our troops overseas. And even this was still more concern about ourselves, not others. With as powerful a nation we have become, you would think it would be a bigger issue as to what we can do for other countries in our politics, not just ourselves.
    7. One thing that I noticed that I thought was interesting to share was Census in Schools. I thought it was awesome how they came up with something that could be interactive for kids in school to help them get a better understanding of the Census. It had activities for all ages as well as a tab for teachers with articles and lesson plans.

  10. 1. One thing that makes me happy is that we have programs and support groups like United Way trying to make a difference in peoples lives. The goals of United Way are to improve education by reducing the high school drop out rates, teach families how to become financially stability to better their own lives as well as provide healthy lives to those that need it. So many people need this and its good to see people trying to make a difference.
    2. It makes me sad to actually think about those children that die everyday from disease. So many of these children die from diseases that already have a cure or prevention only the resources aren’t available to them or don’t arrive until its too late.
    3. I was surprised to learn how effective tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise and poor nutrition are to our youth today. Chronic diseases that are caused by these primary factors are affecting young adults everyday. These adolescents are too young to be suffering from things like this. Studies showed that the younger you start, the more prone to the disease you are.
    4. One thing that I am thankful for is that the UNICEF has saved more children’s lives than any other organization. Its good to know that members are providing health care, clean water, nutrition’s, education and so much more to over 150 countries who are suffering without it.
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is the United Nations Human Rights. Human rights are a privilege that every person deserves to experience sometime in their life. Protecting each other by fighting for what’s right is one way to change the perspective on how people should be treated.
    6. Something that I think others should check out is the “Crisis In the Horn of Africa” video:
    More than half of these people are in a crisis.

  11. In response to Hayley Weiss:

    I agree with you and what makes you think about change. Its inappropriate for children to be suffering so much over not receiving the proper care they deserve. I wish there was something I could do as well.

    In response to Megan Gonzales:

    I was surprised by the same thing. Its unbelievable how much these factors are affecting the youth today. These diseases are life threatening and if knowing that they could possibly die from these things doesn't stop them from picking up these bad habits then what will?!

  12. 1. One thing that makes you angry/sad: All of the preventable tragedies of children dying around the world reported on by UNICEF. It’s amazing to see that number at 21,000.
    2. One thing that makes you happy: That so many organizations are committed to improving the lives of those who need it most. It’s nice to see that humanity cares so much.
    3. One thing that surprises you : That there is a global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases that are affecting so many adolescents and young adults. Also that the four primary risk factors for these diseases are tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition. Population Reference Bureau.
    4. One thing that makes you thankful: I feel thankful that overall my own life and that of my family has not been nearly as difficult as what some people around the world have to go through.
    5. One thing that makes you think about change : Article 1 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. This just made me think that if more people followed this so many things could improve in the world.
    6. One thing that makes you think about politics: the census data for 2010, it makes me wonder about all the changes that may come about because of that information.
    7. One thing you think others should check out (include the link): This website opens your eyes to the many injustices that women face around the world. It is working to stop human rights abuses against women and girls including banning the practice of FGM (female genital mutilation).

  13. In response to Alexis Ayala

    I was surprised by the same thing. It is difficult to believe that so many young adults are at risk for developing chronic diseases due to lack of exercise, poor nutrition, tobacco and alcohol.

  14. 1. One of the things that made me sad was when I went to the UNICEF website, seeing that "21,000 children die everyday from preventable causes. So many innocent lives just taken away from every day common illnesses that steal the lives of so many children.
    2. One of the things that made me happy was seeing that "12,000 fewer children perish daily in 2010 compared to 1990". Made me happy to know
    that there are organizations like UNICEF who work through fundraising to try and better the lives of these less fortunate children from poorer countries. Not only to they help them get the proper medicines that they need, they also help to ensure that these children are receiving an education! That is great!
    3.This interesting fact surprised me on the PRB website that, "Egypt is experiencing a "youth bulge": One in five Egyptians is between ages 15 and 24, and one-half of the population is below age 25." That's crazy! I thought this was a fun surprising fact too,(also found on the PRB website, "In Sweden, the peak age group of childbearing for women is now 30 to 34, up from 25 to 29 in 2001." I think that trend might be making its way to America. I am loving that "DID YOU KNOW" box! oh hmm this one is interesting too.."Cognitive impairment among Americans ages 70 or older declined between 1993 and 2002, from 12.2% to 8.7%." hmmmmm..something new in the foods we are eating? aspartame? Just a thought. Ok I will stop with all the "DID YOU KNOW" facts haha.
    4.One thing that makes me thankful is that we do not have to experience extreme poverty and go without basic necessities, like clean water.
    5. One thing that I automatically associate with the word "change" is technology. Our technology is increasing at such a fast rate. The world and so much information is truly at our fingertips.
    6. One thing that makes me think about politics. Well right now I saw something about medical insurance on one of the sites and immediately thought about the new obamacare. But why is the government going to exempt McDonalds and 29 other firms from getting health care coverage for their employees. But lets say I owned my own fast food burger shop, I would have to be required to provide my employees with health care. Something is just not right with that. I'm thinking that's unconstitutional.
    Here is a link and some more discussions about the companies who are exempt.

  15. 1. One thing that make me angry is human trafficking. It's unbelievable how actually human beings are be "tranported" or recruited" by citizens of their own country for money or drugs by the use of force.
    2. One thing that makes me happy is the "Property and Inheritance Legal Support for Genacide Women Survivors Infected by HIV/AIDS." These women are finally getting the help they need by recieveing medical services and help to own their own property and land. Some have actually been raped by HIV positive me, which to me is so sad.
    3. One thing that surprises me is according to HRW, Human Rights Watch, Egyptian's conviction rate has been 93%. Nearly, 12,000 Egyptian civilians have been arrested since the end of January. HRW state that the Egyptain law is not in line with international law requirements. These military trials seem very unfair to the Egyptian civilians.
    4. One thing that makes me thankful is that the United Nations are promoting peaceful and political solutions to help avoiding war and suffering to others. I'm so thankful for this because I hate war. I want our troops to come back home already and be with their families and loved ones. I hope promoting peace and unity will help the world in any way.
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is people who volunteer to help others. It makes me think how I need to change myself. It gives me the drive to volunteer in my community or elementary that I work in to help my peers and others who are less fortunate. The fell in love with the video of kids who helped another elementary school and build them a playground and greenhouse. I remember when I was in elementary and we always we rivaling with other schools to try to be the better school. On this video, it makes me happy that the kids are not thinking that way and put another school needs as their priority.
    6. One thing that makes me think about politics is the Security Council of the United Nations who are primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security. I wonder who is on the council and what their ideas consist of how to make the world a little bit more peaceful. I wonder how often they meet and what their beliefs are.
    7. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT!! I believe so many teachers and educators are unnoticed and they deserve to be praised! Blog about a favorite teacher that really helped you or changed your life. I've had several teachers who were so awesome and really impacted my life. Now, they can really be noticed!

  16. 1. It's sad to read that 90% of the refugees from fighting in Southern Kyrgyzstan were children, women and the elder.
    2. It's horrible to hear that their school was burned down however I was enlightened to read that the principle worked with UNiCEF to do what ever it took to keep the kids in school right there, because the other schools in the area are to far for the kids to attend. Even if it meant to have class in tents and hospitals. 
    3. It's surprising to read that 2100 children die each year from PREVENTABLE causes. I'm always hearing about people dying from cancer and other diseases we can't control and people are saying "I wish there was something I could do" 
    4. I am very thankful that there are even organizations like UNICEF out there to help people in other countries that are less fortunate than America.
    5. The new school doesn't offer subjects such as algebra, geometry, or physics cause they do not have teachers qualified to teach these classes. This makes me question our system when our educational system here is overflowing with great teachers because of budget cuts. I know it's easier said than done but why not just go teach over there? 
    6. Others should check this organization out! We all should see how to get involved. Obviously we cant all be present in 150 countries but this organization gets all it's money from fundraisers. They need as much money as possible cause it will be geared towards providing children with healthcare, water, and education.

  17. 1. One thing that makes me sad and angry is the human trafficking. It is so sad to see that people would use and abuse other people like that. They make these people go through so much suffering and it is terrible to think that someone would actually do this to another innocent person.
    2. Something that makes me happy is to see the “Live United” page and all the people who volunteer to help others. This really makes me happy to see that there are plenty of good people out there willing to take time and money and give to others. United Way
    3. One thing that surprised me was that 21,000 kids die everyday from preventable causes. With UNICEF giving food, water, and shelter this number has gone down, but it is still way too high. I never really realized that the number of children who die from preventable causes each day would be so high.
    4. I am thankful to live where I live and that I do not have to worry about finding food and shelter each day. After reading about all the children that die everyday from preventable causes it makes me think about all that I have that I take for granted sometimes. I feel so thankful to have the life that I have.
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is the fact that technology has changed globalization so much in the past few years. Just fifteen years ago there was no Internet and now anyone, anywhere, with a computer, can look up information about anywhere in the world. It has drastically changed communication and made it easier for countries to interact and trade. Globalization 101
    6. Something that made me think about politics was reading about Palestinian wanting to be recognized as a state. There are debates going on about whether or not it would be a good thing to help end the conflicts in Israel. There are good things that could come from recognizing them as a state while there are also bad.

  18. I also agree with Nancy that it is surprising to see that so many youth of today will have more chance of disease because of alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy diets, and lack of exercise. I think this is something that needs to be dealt with immediately to help save our future.

  19. I agree with Staci and the competition for natural resources makes me think about change too. That is something that we should all be concerned with and thinking about because it will affect all of us in the future.

  20. @Staci Darden Pt.5; Very true! Not to mention that these fuel sources we are fighting over is both slowly dwindling, and harmful to our environment. I agree we need to see if we can invest more time, and money into finding an alternative fuel source!

    @Megan Gonzales I definitely agree! I think it's also quite amazing that when you look at it, we've been doing a lot of progress in a relatively short amount of time. It really says something for how the mindset of society has changed, we've started becoming much more accepting of equal rights.

  21. 1. I find that human trafficking saddens me because of the lives that are disrupted not only for the victims who are forced or someone was able to use deception to lure these people into accepting this lifestyle but also the stress put upon the families and loved ones as well. I know some do it to better their families and their own lives and others are forced to do so because they have no family or anyone that can help them to choose a different path. Also almost every country has some sort of human trafficking taking place. – United Nations Human Rights
    2. One thing that makes me happy is United Way’s advancing the common good program to help student have a healthy life. It’s a way of changing systems to help all of us. They use education- helping children and youth achieve their potential. Income- promoting financial stability and independence. Health- improving people’s health. These are all good qualities that can build a foundation for kids and their futures. – United Way
    3. I found that the population distribution was surprising and the night view they showed of people placement throughout the United States based on the results of the 2010 Census of Population and Housing. It surprised me to see the population pockets throughout United States. – Population Reference Bureau
    4. I am thankful for the recent decade of decline in child death. In 1990 it was more than 12 million and dropped to 7.2 million by 2010. More still needs to be achieved on this task but it is still a good start to finding a solution to high child mortality rate which I am very thankful for. - UNICEF
    5. UNODC and its article on Action against Corruption and Economic Crime had me thinking about the change that needs to be made throughout our global system of the infrastructure of corruption. It is in a lot of things these days and has been shown lately in the 2008 recession began and people such as Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme that he imposed on his investors. This has an overall economic back lash such as schools businesses, highways and bridges etc., which aren’t being able to be built due to lack of funding’s. – Population Reference Bureau
    6. In the United Nations Statistics Division under the energy section in the articles of energy made me think about politics. What Laws are going to have to be past for some of these new fuels? How are these projects going to be funded and how do we deal with disposal of any waist left by these fuels and ways of creating new cleaner energy? These are all topics of debate that have to be solved. – United Nations Statistics Division
    7. People should check out the article called “Declaring the War on Military Contractors’ Invasion of Washington”, in the Global Policy Forum. It states how the military needs to make budget cuts to allow for more job creations. They say that if this is done there will be job sacrifices but people speculate otherwise. It has an interesting outlook on our military spending and by decreasing it could have beneficial returns. -

    In response to Megan Gonzales,
    Chronic disease in youth also surprised me. I have seen the statistics for our youth especially in this country and the outcome they my face if they don’t start making some changes now. This applies to health, work, and school making some small changes early on could have an overall good outcome especially in their future, which I feel ours and younger generations tend to not think about as much.

    In response to Staci Darden,
    Resources do create a lot of conflict and issues that show through our timeline in history. Do you think if we found a way to resolve all these vital resources it would put an end to major conflict or do you feel that people will find something to always have an issue over? Do you think competition in other areas would arise? It’s a difficult thing to solve but would be nice to know resources weren’t a concern especially in our future.

  22. In response to Megan Gonzales: I agree with you on the United Way website about volunteering making different in education around world. I’ve never hear of United Way. United Way is an organization that allows people to get involved and help making difference in education and community.
    In response to Staci Darden: I agree on your last sentence about what one thing that makes you feel sad on website UNICEF, when you say “we shouldn’t stop trying to help until every child has the same opportunity for a healthy, happy life” it’s just break my heart hearing that lot children’s are dying each day from preventable causes and I think children are at risk because of poverty of the parents and a lack of awareness that the problem exists… especially here in the USA people either chose to ignore it or just don’t care. Children’s die because of poverty spread across the world. So why don’t we stop it? UNICEF knows those children die; why do they allow it to happen and not fix to prevent children getting disease?

  23. What makes me angry?
    The fact that children are being taken by groups and forced to attack governments but once they are caught they are being tried as adults without any legal representation. Thats retarded. I know the movie Blood Diamond isnt based on a true story but it shows how kids don't have a choice in their decisions. Just like the article explains, "Children should primarily be treated as victims, and not perpetrators."
    What makes me happy?
    That from 1990 to 2010 many children's lives were saved. Its good to know that the money many charities send to Africa are really taking effect on the children out there, although the improvement the country has made hasn't quite satisfied the development goal, progress is continuing to be made and hopefully overcome soon.
    One thing that surprises me.
    As a teenager with a lot of friends that drink, smoke, do tobacco and all of the above, I am aware that by doing these substances it will affect them in the long life but I didn't know that when my friends who abuse drugs and alcohol grow older they will have NCD (non communicable disease). I did know that their lives weren't going to be the same as far as being 100% healthy but the fact that a lot of money is being invested to help these people that could have prevented all this upsets me and surprises me as well.
    One thing that makes me thankful.
    Being informed that we have the technology to save many lives including the kids in Africa and those teens who abuse drugs at an early age. That we have the power to be aware of what is going on around us and not just waiting for something drastic to let us know that an issue has occurred.
    One thing that makes me think about change.
    Again that many teens are abusing drugs and more schools, society and parents as well should act upon the issue to prevent their children do drugs and not accept the fact that their children fall under the addicted category. School classes should be taught on how these drugs can affect you or more required electives or events should be held to prevent teens from going out and drinking or abusing drugs.
    One thing that makes me think about politics?
    The issues our city and state are having to deal with as far as budget cuts. Students are paying a lot more to further their education and the state is cutting costs on the pay. It really makes one wonder why so many commercials and articles are pushing kids to go to college when in the end they will probably be managers in fast food chains because those jobs probably pay more than the ones they were once seeking.
    One thing I think others should check out. This is the article that talks about teens who abuse drugs at an early age and are affected in the long run. Even though people are in denial about their drinking habits I think all my friends who don't go to school and waste their weekends partying like there is no tomorrow should really read how they can be affected. I'm not asking them to go to school, that is their choice, but I am asking them to look around and see who they are affected with their choices.

  24. Comment to Kristen- I didnt read so much into the human trafficking but it does suck to know that many innocent people are being forced to migrate because of what other people want.

    Comment to Cory- It really should make people wonder what people in politics are wiling to do to pass these new fuels and what will be of the old ones.

  25. To Cory Hodson- I think that if we found a way to resolve the issues over natural resources, that conflict would subside for a little while. But humans are competitive by nature, and would find something else that they wanted to have more of, or be better at. So I think that there would always be some sort of conflict in the world since the world is only so big and the population keeps growing. Conflict will probably become more and more prominent as the population rises, despite what we do to prevent it.

  26. Find and briefly explain, include links when appropriate.
    1. One thing that makes you angry/sad
    One thing that makes me sad is all the violence and hateful things that are happening in the world; for example the strategic rape and mutilation of women and children around the world but especially prevalent in Africa and Darfur.

    2. One thing that makes you happy
    It makes me appreciative that there are organizations like STOP RAPE NOW with various celebrities and UN representatives supporting this cause.

    3. One thing that surprises you
    I didn't know there was a U.N. Human Rights Council that was formed in 2006; I think this is a wonderful idea.

    4. One thing that makes you thankful
    I am most appreciative of the fact I live in the U.S. where I have the right to free speech without fear of corrupt militias or government agencies who would seek to silence all that oppose them.

    5. One thing that makes you think about change
    As of July 2011 the country of South Sudan became the 30th country to ban all forms of violence against children; I believe this to be a promising step for reformation in there country. However, it also makes me think about all the other countries that have not joined the ban, and what it will take to make that change.

    6. One thing that makes your think about politics
    In a way everything reminds me of politics, because in order to see any real change in this country or in the world it always seems to take a law or political backing in order for a cause or change to be reached.

    7. One thing you think others should check out (include the link)
    I particularly found this area of the site to be interesting, .
    This section was specifically about the issues and politics surrounding many human rights, and many people do not even know about them.

  27. 1.One thing that makes me sad is the price we are paying for after 9/11. Since 9/11 the U.S is in an economic crisis and is dealing with severe levels of debt. Although many people are coping with the tragic event and lives lost we also have to deal with the economy. Many people are struggling to pay rent, put food on the table for their children, and pay for gas because of the economy. It saddens me to think of the level of stress that many families are under due to the tragic 9/11 event.
    2.One thing that makes me happy is exploring the many campaigns that are coming together to fight violence. While exploring the websites, I have come across the fight against violence on women and fight for violence on children. It makes me happy to know all around the world someone somewhere is willing to make a change for the better.
    3.It surprises me on how many people are still affected by human rights. We are still fighting to end discrimination today. I’m also happy that many people do participate to fight for their rights.
    5.One thing that makes me think about change is finding that 21,000 children die every day from preventable causes. Knowing that all of the deaths are preventable definitely makes me wonder what can I possibly do to help these children survive and life a better life.
    6.One thing I think others should check out is “Chronic Diseases Do Affect Youth.” I think everyone will be extremely surprised at this article and also makes you realize how many teens are being affected by this.

    Response to Megan Gonzales:
    I agree with you on the United Way volunteer organization. I also believe that children are our future so we must help to prepare them in any way we can for the future. We as adults now know what the world is like so we must prepare our children in order to help them succeed.
    Response to Staci Darden:
    I have also had many incredible teachers. Many of my teachers have helped me along the way through high school as well as family and personal issues. I’m also very thankful to have such great teachers to guide me in the right direction throughout the years. I’m still very close to a few of my high school teachers as they continue to help and support me through my years in college.

  28. • One thing that makes you angry/sad:
    o I get very upset when I hear about human trafficking. “Virtually every country in the world is affected by these crimes.” I can’t seem to understand how any person could take advantage of another human being and treat them so horribly. Criminals prey on desperate want to have a better life and to leave their country and they exploit them without any shame for money. It’s just unimaginable, to me, what those victims and their families endure.
    • One thing that makes you happy
    o We always see those commercials on t.v. that tell to donate less than a dollar a day to help a child in need, but I always wondered, does that really make a difference? I was very pleased to find out that it has been making a difference. We are definitely not where we need to be in terms of number of children losing their lives. (that number should be zero). But UNICEF has been collecting donations for years and has shown progress. In 1990, over 12 million children under the age of 5 lost their lives on a daily bais. In 2010, that number dropped down to 7.6 million.
    • One thing that surprises you
    o I was shocked to find out that noncommunicable diseases are becoming the lead causes of death in most countries, with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa. Obesity, smoking, and drinking are becoming more common in younger kids which is causing the NCD’s to be more common in youths rather than elders.
    • One thing that make you feel thankful
    o There are so many crimes happening around the world, but I feel thankful for the law enforcement officers, fire fighters, and even volunteers who risk and have given their lives in attempt to protect others. On 9/11, those who entered the twin towers knew they weren’t coming back out. But they still entered with courage and determination to save anybody they could and to fight for our country. I feel proud to be a part of this country.
    • One thing that makes you think about change
    o Segregation may not seem common or normal to many people in this generation, but that’s not the case for many of our grandparents. I began to think about change when I read the article about black and white segregation which has been declining
    • One thing that makes you think about politics
    o I began to think of politics when I read about the Declaring War on the military contractors of invasoin.

  29. In response to Roxanne

    I agree with you that its really sad the price we are paying for 9/11. That day was emotional and disturbing for everyone nationwide, and mostly for those families who lost their loved ones. But I'm also so glad and thankful that we had people who gave their lives to help save others. Not all countries are as fortunate as we are.

  30. Comments on Comments:

    Thank you to Thais Gaona, for sharing that link about noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). I too have known many people (and still do) who are heavy drinkers/smokers and although I knew some of the risks I had no idea that this is a disease they are likely to get. I agree that more education about risks like this should be impressed upon young adults (in middle and high school age students) because without proper education people will continue to make bake decisions.

    Lee Ann, while I agree with you that it is surprising to hear that so many children are dying of preventable diseases (a tragedy I wish wasn’t occurring). I also would like to bring some prospective to your comment about teachers. While I know many of us in this class are studying to be teachers and I agree it would be honorable for us to go and teach abroad it is just not that easy to teach in a country other than the U.S. I know I can only speak for myself but, it is difficult to learn a whole new language, customs, way of life really in a new culture. And besides that I know many people are probably very attached to their families here in the U.S. I myself have only been here for a semester and I already miss my family and community back home (which is not dramatically far but it still feels like another planet sometimes). I’m not trying to criticize but I just wanted to put that point of view out there. Hope everyone sees your link! Very informative and seems to be a great cause!

  31. 1. One thing that makes me happy is United Way and their effort in making children successful.Them wanting what is best for the kids puts me at ease, because I know they're in good hands. What makes them stand out though is their 'Advancing the Common Good' program which helps improve education, financial stability, and promote healthy lives. This program gives them all the important necessities they need in order to have a successful life.
    2.One thing that makes me sad is the women section in Globalization 101. Women have worked really hard to get to where they are, but yet we're still at a disadvantage.It's sad that fifty seven percent of the seventy-two million primary schools are are not attended by females. As a matter of fact "girls are four percent less likely than boys to compelete primary school." However, the UN Mellinnium Development Goals gives women a little bit of encouragement to keep up the hard work and to fight for what's right by gener equality and empowerment.
    3. One thing that makes me thankful is the UNICEF organization. They are the only organization that has saved more children's lives than any other organizations. Some of the things they provide the children with are: nutrition and food security, education, clean water, and health care and immunizations. Although 21,000 children die a day from preventable causes, they are doing whatever they can to decrease the number. This organization makes me thankful for two reasons. One because it shows how blessed and fortunate I truly am to live the life that I do. Secondly, because it shows that there are people out there who do care about the needs of other kids and want what's best for them.
    4.When I think about change, I think about technology and the rate it's going. Not only is everything becoming more computer based, but people can keep up with what's going on by wi-fi networs, laptops, smartphones,etc.

    In response to Alexis Ayla, I agree with you and the program of United Way.I have a strong passion for kids and it's good to see people wanting to help and make a difference so badly. They probably haven't always had a good life but it's good to know that they have somebody they can look up to.

    In response to Kristen, I was shocked also to see the high rate of children dying everyday. With the resources the organization provides I would think the number would be smaller. It's sad to see these kids go through such hard times but like you, I am also thankful for the blessed life I have.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 1. One thing that makes me angry/ sad is that the victims of the sex-trafficking blame themselves and have lost their identity to something they have no control over. It is sickening to think about the messed up people involved in this.
    2. One thing that makes me happy is that Juan Mendez has been appointed as Special Adviser "to fill critical gaps in the international system that allowed those tragedies to go unchecked".
    3. One thing that surprises me is the 2,500,000 homicides in South America in a year.. that is a crazy number.
    4. One thing that makes me thankful is after reading Adeline's testimony, knowing that I have not been through anything even remotely close to her or any of the others suffering.
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is this picture of happy children in Rwanda after the genocide. It is a sign of hope and change for Rwanda.
    6.One thing that makes me think about politics is the war in Libya because it mostly deals with politcs.
    7.Everyone should check this out.....
    7. Something

  34. To Kristen #3 and #4- I relate with you on these two about the preventable causes and being thankful for the life we live and our location. I am thankful to have not gone through any of these awful things. I was unaware that there were so many deaths, too!

    Lenette - the link you shared is so cool! I think that's a great way for teachers to be appreciated! Thanks for sharing :)

  35. One thing that made me sad was that, according to UNICEF, 21,000 children globally die EVERY DAY from preventable causes.
    One thing that made me happy was reading about the organization Doctors without Borders in a link from Globalization 101. This wonderful organization consists of doctors and other persons who give their time and talents to provide quality healthcare to those in need.
    One thing that surprised me was the world population counter on the Population Reference Bureau website. I knew that there were currently over 7 billion people in the world but did not know how quickly and unremittingly that number is climbing. The counter showed 7,005,307,623 and the number increased by 3-7 every second I looked at it. Incredible.
    One thing that made me thankful for all we have here in the United States was reading the UNICEF article about Ethiopia. They are in the midst of their worst drought in recent memory. This drought is killing cattle and crops and has left over 4.56 million people in need of food support. All this while we consistently overeat and have food to throw away in this country.
    One thing that made me think about change was a United Way article about Lincoln Elem. in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The United Way, along with a number of volunteers, built a new playgroung and a greenhouse for this elementary school on a saturday. It made me think of what a change for the better could occur if each person would volunteer a few hours of their time to a cause that they believe in.
    One thing that made me think about politics was an article on the United Nations Human Rights website. It stated that Indian women in Jharkhand were being subjected to rape and sexual violence by police and security forces. I feel that violence against women is political in the sense that until governments recognize the rights of women, and vow to uphold those rights, atrocities against women will continue.
    A website you may want to check out is This website talks about the reasons that the U.S. life expectancy rate has flattened out. Some of the reasons allude to the non communicable diseases referred to by others.

    In response to Megan Gonzales:
    I agree that chronic disease in our youth is terrible, however it did not come to me as a surprise. All you need do is look around you. Most children do not want to play outside anymore and are always saying that they are "tired". Their sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits are contributing to the obesity epidemic and all the unwanted "extras" that come with it. Sad.

    In response to Cory Hodson:
    I agree that more needs to be done to curb corruption. Innocent investors, regular people, are being financially ruined by the greed of others. This definitely does have a far reaching economic impact that ends up hurting us all.

  36. 1. What makes me sad is those 21,000 children die every day from preventable causes.
    2. What made me happy is that human rights are being mentioned a lot in globalization.
    3. What surprised me was how much bin laden affected not us but everywhere else and to this day.
    4. What I am thankful is that how David Beckam and many famous people and sports are involved in UNICEF
    5. What made me think about a change is how chronic diseases affect the youth through many diseases
    6. What made me think about politics 9/11 article and how much is affecting even to this day 10 years later.
    7. What was interesting was how something so small can affect your life and is affecting mostly youth.
    In response to Madalyn yes I agree that wars do impact and make me think a lot about politics as well.
    And to response to tiara u also agree on you that how United States is helping a lot to be able to help children every day in their needs.

  37. 1. A sad thing I saw was under the UNICEF link that said that over 20,000 kids die every day from diseases that were preventable. That is a horrible statistic.
    2. One thing that made me happy was the volunteer work that is put together by the United Way. You can tutor a child and really help them learn good principles.
    3. One thing that surprised me was that diseases that affect people today are caused by tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise and poor nutrition. I would think that people would know better so they could live longer healthier lives.
    4. I am thankful that there are organizations like UNICEF and the United Way that help people here in the U.S. and around the globe. They help promote a better world.
    5. One thing that makes me think about change is the advancement of technology that are used today. We could share information instantly nowadays but yet there are still people in need. Technology should be used to help these people.
    6. Every link contained something that reminded me of politics because anything dealing with the welfare of people is tied into the political area of the world.
    7. A link I think everyone should check out is this is under the United Way it shows how the NFL has been supporting the organization for years and the type of support they give.
    In response to Genesis…I agree with her #6. The 9/11 article was a real eye opener and still holds a great deal of influence today.
    In response to Madalyn…I too was surprised to see that there are 2,500,000 homicides a year in South America. I think drugs have a lot to do with that.

  38. One thing that made me sad was that, according to UNICEF, 21,000 children die EVERY DAY due to preventable causes. One thing that made me happy was the article on the organization Doctors without Borders from the link on the Globalization 101 website. This wonderful organization is made up of doctors and other persons who volunteer their time in order to provide quality medical care to those that need it without regard to who or where these people are.
    One thing that surprised me was the world population counter on the Population Reference Bureau website. I knew that there were over 7 billion people in the world, however I did not know how quickly and unremittingly the number was increasing. The count was showing 7,005,307,623 and that number was increasing by 3-7 for every second that I looked at it. One thing that made me thankful for what we have here in the United States was an article from UNICEF about Ethiopia. They are in the midst of the worst drought in recent memory. That drought is killing their cattle and crops and has left 4.56 million people in need of food support. All this while we here in the U.S. routinely overeat and have excess food just to throw away. One thing that made me think about change was an article from the United Way about Lincoln Elem. in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The article stated that the United Way, with the help of a number of volunteers , had built a new playground and greenhouse for this elementary school. I couldn’t help wondering what a change for the better, and what a difference, we could all make if we gave just a few hours of our time to a cause we believe in. One thing that made me think about politics was an article on the United Nations Human Rights website. This article talked about how Indian women in Jharkhand were being subjected to rape and sexual violence by police and security forces. I feel that the abuse of women is basically political as until governments as a whole grant basic rights to women, and uphold those rights, atrocities against women will continue.

    A website you might want to check out is It has an article on A the reasons that the life expectancy in the U.S. is leveling off instead of increasing. It alludes to the non- communicable diseases that others have talked about as some of the reasons.

    In response to Megan Gonzales: I agree that chronic disease in our youth is terrible, however it did not come as a surprise to me. All you have to do is look around you. Most children do not want to play outside anymore and they are always claiming to be “tired”. Their sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits are contributing to the obesity epidemic and all the unwanted “extras” that go with it. Sad.

    In response to Cory Hodson: I agree that more needs to be done to curb corruption. Innocent investors, regular people, are being financially ruined due to the greed of others. This definitely does have a broad economic impact which ends up hurting us all.

  39. 1. What makes me sad are those 21,000 children die every day from preventable causes. It is so sad there are not enough resources to make this drop to zero.
    2. What made me happy was that UNICEF and other organizations get people help in so many places. They also help people become aware of what is going on in the world and ways they can help.
    3. What surprised me was tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise and poor nutrition are affecting our youth today.
    4. What made me thankful is that UNICEF has helped so many people and has saved many children’s live. They will continue help and save lives.
    5. What made me think about a change were the volunteers that give their time to help others. They can make someone’s life change.
    In response to Alexis Ayala: I agree with human rights is a privilege that every person deserves sometime in their life. Having this can make a person feel important.
    In response to genesis: I agree that nice how many famous people are involved in UNICEF. My 12 year old niece told me about a year ago she saw a video of her favorite actress explaining how UNICEF helps save children families. She had me look up ways we could help and this all because of she saw the video.

  40. 1.It makes me sad to think of the global deaths of children, even though progress is being made 21,000 is still a lot of children. We have everything we need here in the U.S and yet we still complain over the smallest things. Its hurts knowing that there is a cure for these children, but being cured is not an option for them because they cannot afford it.
    2.United way in my opinion is an excellent organization with outstanding and positive goals. Anybody and everybody who dedicates time and support to helping children excel in their lives and education is amazing. I love how the NFL players, coaches, staff and owners contribute to this organization. It is a very good feeling knowing that children have some kind of inspiration to give nothing but their best.
    3.One thing that surprises me is that there are organizations that evaluate the progress of women’s rights and promote equality for women. I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal to people all around that world. It matters to me because I am a woman, but I had no idea that women’s rights is something that is being looked at every day.
    4.Reading articles from each of these websites have made me thankful for the life that I am able to live. Not everyone has the freedom or opportunities that are available to me, so I shouldn’t take what I have for granted. Other children and even adults would give anything to be where I am at today. I am blessed to be where I am at and I will look at life in a whole new manner.
    5.Globalization 101 makes me think about my ways of living and how my habits affect those around me as well as people all over the world. Maybe if I did things differently, it would somehow make a difference to someone who lives in another country. It never hurts to try something new!
    6.When I hear the word "war" I automatically think of politics! The only explanation I have for this would be because when it comes to politics there are always two or three sides to everything. It is the same thing when it comes to war, some people argue that its too expensive having our troops out there, while others argue that nothing is being done and that is a good idea to have troops overseas. War is exactly like politics; everyone is going to have their own opinions about the subjects.
    7.Something I believe people should look more into is the chronic diseases that are affecting our youth today. Teenagers in today’s society are beginning to participate in activities that lead to life threatening diseases. Most of them see nothing wrong with drinking and smoking, but what they don’t look at is how is can affect them in the long run. It will only benefit us to know more about what is going on. (

    In Response to

    Leanne: I too was surprised that so many young people die of diseases that can be prevented! It must be harder on the family of these children if they knew there was something that could have been done to save their child’s life.

    Monica Henriquez: Being a part of the United States was also what I was thankful for. To be able to make the choices I want and live how I choose is something I will no longer take for granted! I am surrounded by people all around me willing to give their life to save mine, it shows me how blessed we as Americans are.

  41. 1.One thing that makes you angry/sad
    The thing that made me said was the UNICEF website. Just seeing everything that some of these kids go though is so heartbreaking.” The number of children under five years of age dying each year declined from more than 12 million in 1990 to 7.6 million in 2010”
    2. One thing that makes you happy
    The thing I enjoied the most was the United Way website, and how it talks about all the volunteers and teachers that help make a difference in one way or other. I think it’s a very important aspect now a days. Kids need to feel like there is someone out there that can understand them and help them achieve what needs to be achieved.
    3. One thing that surprises you
    One thing that surprises me is chronic diseases and how they are affecting youth today. Most people think just because your young you must be healthy but that’s not the case anymore.(PRB)
    4. One thing that makes you thankful
    What makes me thankful is how there is volunteers and organizations willing to help, just so others can get by. For example the UNICEF website is a prime example of this.
    5. One thing that makes you think about change is how 50 cents can go so far and help a child save their life. We take for granted what we have and to know that for some of us change in our pocket is annoying but to someone else it’s a life saved.
    6. One thing that makes your think about politics is reading
    Is reading the information on all the sites, just because I know that politics plays in one thing or another. Theres not a set thing everything ties to politics whether we like it or not.
    7. One thing you think others should check out (include the link)
    One thing I think that others need to check out is the article about Bin Laden,simply because that was something that happen during our generation and not something that we will read in a textbooks in years to come.(global policy)

    In Response To : Nancy Martinez-Gomez
    I agree with you and the preventable tradegies that are affecting children and are causing so many deaths. Its scary and sad to see such high of a number especially with all that we have now-a-days.

    In Response To: LeeAnn
    I also enjoyed the passage on the principle working with UNICEF, it’s nice to know that there’s people still with the wellbeing of helping someone else especially when in need. Other principle probably wouldn’t care about where the kids where get located but he sure made it work in one way or another.

  42. 1. One thing that really caught my attention was when I went to the United States Fund website ( and saw the picture of the obviously sad child with the title saying that 21,000 children die every day. It makes me feel really sad because those are all people and experiences that will never get to live, and they are all preventable deaths.
    2. The whole United Way website makes me happy in general. The fact that so many people are dedicated to helping the education system and keeping kids from falling into the cracks is awesome.
    3. I don't want to say that it surprises me that Haiti still hasn't recovered and they're still suffering, but unfortunately it does a little. Since Haiti has pretty much been out of the news in the past year, it's been an "out of sight, of out mind" mentality for me. So it surprised me to see that they are really struggling still.
    4. In general, all of the the websites make me really realize how lucky I am and make me feel thankful that I have had a really fortunate life compared to others. Because of where I was born and who I am, I've never had to really worry about any of these problems that people are facing. And although I don't like that I have been blind to seeing that others don't have it as easy as me, I am still thankful.
    5. While browsing the census data, I really looked at the Hispanic data ( because I am interested in how Hispanics are changing this country. I think that since "More than half of the growth in the total population of the United States between 2000 and 2010 was due to the increase in the Hispanic population," that it really calls to attention that our country is rapidly changing and will go through a big social change.
    6. The article about the Palestinian Authority asking for recognition from the UN as a state ( makes me think about politics. All of the leaders in different parts of the World are in control of the future of that area. There are so many things that must be considered into making a decision.
    7. Like I said in the first point, it made me really upset that so many children are dying daily and it could be prevented. I think that people should read up on it ( and be aware, and maybe even try and find ways of helping out. As corny as it sounds, no one really knows if those children could mean something really great.

    In response to Alexis Ayala: That video really about people suffering in the African Horn caught my attention! It's crazy to think of such a large group of people suffering and very few trying to help them.

    In response to Starr Esparza: The Globalization 101 really made me think about my habits too! Like how hard it would be to give up drinking Starbucks (as an example) and consume the things I do, but how selfish it is to continue it...

  43. 1. One thing that makes you angry/sad is that21,000 children die everyday from preventable causes.
    2. One thing that makes you happy that there are organizations like United Way who care for a better life for all (including education, income, and health).
    3. One thing that surprises you putting "youth" and "chronic disease" together and the four primary causes being tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition.
    4. One thing that makes you thankful is knowing that organizations care and work to help people in poor countries, especially kids and the planet.
    5. One thing that makes you think about change we live in the 21st century; however like in the past there still a lot of human trafficking going on and in some aspect people are still being treated like slaves.
    6. One thing that makes your think about politics globalization and how it affects the less powerful nations.

  44. Response to Ilsse:
    Like you im surprise to know that the Mexican literacy literacy rate for youth 15-24 yrs. of age is almost the same as China, but being from Mexico is something that also makes me happy.

  45. 1. One thing that makes me sad: is that 21,000 children will still die each day from causes that could be prevented.
    2. One thing that makes you happy: volunteer organizations such as United way are helping to improve education.
    3. One thing that surprises me: that people could deny that the Holocaust happened and that it was a major historical event in our past.
    4. One thing that makes me thankful: The United Way video and the volunteers that give their time and energy to better our community.
    5. One thing that makes you thinks about change: The research has shown that death rate will increase for people living in both low and high socioeconomic places. The biggest factor that can change this would be our health. If we become more active and healthier, chances are that the rate will not be as high as it is predicted to be.
    6. One thing that makes you think about politics: is gender politics for men and women, and how politics and laws are viewed differently because of our gender.
    7. One thing you think others should check out: is the behind the NIKE sweatshops link
    Response to Staci D – I like how you included that you’re thankful for all your previous teachers and how because of how wonderful, and sometimes strict, great teachers were, they made us become the students that we are today. I think that its so important for teachers to realize that they impact our lives immensely and that the lessons in life that are learned in the classroom can stay with someone forever.
