Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog 7

Reactions, thoughts, ideas, links, revelations... on Addicted the Plastics...


  1. After watching the Addicted to Plastics video, I became a little worried for our future and the earth. The entire video made it evident how terrible plastics were for the earth, but not many had a solution. While there were people who made plastics into other inventive things, that alone isn’t enough to save the earth. Also discussed were the bad effects that plastic has on our health. It is scary to think that something we use everyday could be slowly poisoning us. What frightens me is that although we have found plastics bad for us and the earth, I don’t know if it would be possible to live without it anymore. Almost everything around us is made with or contains plastics, and not many other options are available. In Addicted to Plastics, a new type of plastic-like material made out of plants was introduced. It seemed like an eco-friendly alternative to plastic, but then they mentioned that it decomposed when it got wet. That means that it wouldn’t pollute the environment if left outside or in a river, but that same element could turn away buyers. People are attracted to plastic because of its near indestructible nature. If this new material decomposes when wet, people would be less drawn to buy it, since they would have to take special care to keep it dry. People like the convenience of plastic, as shown by plastic water bottle use. This link provides facts about plastic water bottles that I found interesting.
    Overall, the video deepened my understanding of how awful plastic is not only for us, but for the earth. It is very unnerving to me that so many people on the video discussed how plastic is ruining the earth and could affect our health, but no one had a real solution that could be used around the world. We need someone to have an idea to end the plastic plague once and for all.
    -Staci Darden

  2. The Addicted to Plastics video made me even more aware of the scope of plastic use in our lives. Even things that I would not have thought contained plastic, such as the exfoliating beads in shower gels, do contain plastic. I felt really sorry for the state of our oceans and even sorrier for the marine life and birds that then end up ingesting the plastics in the oceans. I then felt sorry for humanity that then eats the marine life, birds, etc. that have ingested all this toxic plastic; all this toxicity then ends up in US!! It was disconcerting to hear that the plastic, as it floats along in the oceans, can pick up 1 million times the amount of toxins that are in the surrounding seawater as it is like a magnet for toxins. Some animals and sea life also end up slowly starving to death as their stomachs fill with indegestible plastic material that leaves no room for true food. It was also disgusting to see some of our most beautiful beaches in the world covered in trash. It was refreshing to see however that a small minority of the population has taken the problem of plastic waste to heart and has come up with some innovative was of recycling or reusing plastic waste. It was also very cool to see scientists from all different countries, including ours in Nebraska and at the USDA working on plastics that are actually non-toxic and biodegradable. I think this is definitely the way to go. Society as a whole is saying that it "can't live without plastics" however, with plastics in their current toxic, non-biodegradable form, can we truly afford to live with them? Overall I came away with the sense that this needs to be a more urgent item on people's agendas.
    In Response to Staci Darden: I think it was only one company's biodegradable plastic that immediately started to break-down when exposed to water. I agree that if that was the case with all biodegradable plastics, there would probably not be much of a market for it.

  3. So many things come to mind after watching this movie. We’ve all heard, here and there, from news bits or articles, the hazards of plastics. Never, until now, have I really realized just how serious a problem this is. It’s HUGE! Here we think we are taking sufficient steps and doing our part by recycling but it’s apparent that it’s just NOT enough. I’ve honestly never thought to ask, “where does it all go?” I’ve just trusted that the recyclers handled everything properly as long as I “did my part” to get it to them. It’s obvious that many people aren’t informed of the whole plastic process or the dire state we are in. I think if they were informed, more would take action and if they didn’t, well... shame on them! As the movie illustrates, just about everything we use is made out of or stored, in plastic. It is impossible for us to go without it. When you look at the statistics, with the amount of people in the world and the amount we consume and throw away daily, we DO NOT have enough dumping grounds, landfills, or recycling plants. It has to go way beyond just recycling. My 12 year old daughter watched the movie with me and was absolutely in shock after. She has so many questions and even more concerns. She asked, “what does this mean for my future”, “don’t people care about what they are leaving behind for us, the youth, we are going to be the ones cleaning up your mess”, “didn’t they think about this all this before they made us so dependent on it”, “what are they doing about it now”? These were just a few of her questions! Wow... was my first thought, she’s really angry and frustrated. I didn’t think about what her reaction would be, but her feelings were genuine and I guess she is right, her generation will be the ones, “cleaning up our mess”. I was curious to ask, “who is the “THEY” she keeps referring too in her questions?” I was wondering if we were on the same page here and as a 7th grader, learning about US History and our Constitution I wanted to see what she was thinking. So I asked her and she said, “the THEY is our government - you know the one who’s, for the people, by the people”. Then she said, “Mom, if the people see it’s a problem then the government sees it’s a problem too.” So, I do wonder why is it that the government isn’t taking more aggressive steps to give aid or implement laws? I think after watching this movie it’s apparent we need some. Sure, it may be a day late and dollar short but something is always better than nothing!

    I also agree with Lisa and Staci - I think the biodegradable plastic is great, it should be something that all business and companies invest in. It would definitely take legislation though because current plastic companies and business wouldn’t opt to use it. Especially if it was more expensive. I’m not certain how long it takes to make this type of plastic or how long it would actually take to generate in our economy, but until then we need immediate action for the urgent problem at hand as well.

  4. Addicted to Plastic is a documentary focusing on the worldwide production and environmental effects of plastic. The host takes a 2 year trip around the world to give us a better understanding of the life cycle of plastic. It’s probably fair to say that we all believe buying goods( pencils, food, electronics, etc) with less packaging is a good thing, and when we separate our trash and drop the plastic rubbish into the blue box for the morning pickup, it all gets recycled, and we can feel confident we’ve done our part for the environment. It’s impressed upon me even more that we need to do more to reduce the plastic in our life. As much as I like this movie, there was just one thing that bothered me. Ian, the guy making the film, asks to one point –could we live without plastic. Well the reality is kind some things are just not safe to not have made out of plastic- like your bottles in the shower, not good to have glass in a slippery environment like that. However, I personally believe that we can live with much less plastic. There are many alternatives and ways to avoid it, and I felt that Ian did not point this out well in this particular section on the film, interesting to see that he tries to go through his morning routine without plastic. I find website where someone did interview with Ian talking about his new film “addicted to plastics”. My thought is that interest learning from producers where he takes the viewers on a trip around the world to visit areas of pollution and to talk to people who are making changes in the future of plastic. . My thought is that this film really made me think about how much plastic I use and inspired me to be a more responsible user of plastic materials. It would be a challenge to get rid of all plastics in my life but I learned that I could certainly reduce my use of it and opt for other materials more often.

  5. Ladies, nice responses. I appreciate your thinking and critical lenses. I am inspired as well- not only by the film but by your thoughts and words! Thank you for sharing.

  6. This video has broadened my vision to notice the vast amounts of plastics we use. I am now aware of how much plastic I truly do use and I think about it on a daily basis. My cups, plates, makeup, baggies, water bottles, house items, computer, chargers, school supplies, and more are all plastic. What if there weren't plastic? I'm sure there would be some other substance used for all the things we use plastic for today. Maybe it is time to switch? Maybe the effects of plastic are taking too big of a toll on our society and world. Would it be too hard to switch? Is there any other substance that could possibly take the place of plastic? If there were, the switch would take a very long time. This switch would be a huge process, but eventually it could be done. For now, plastic will still be used for basically everything. I am inspired by this video to be a responsible consumer. When grocery shopping, I will now think about making decisions to buy less plastic. I now use a Nalgene or Camelbak water bottle and refill it rather than buying water bottles and wasting tons of water. Also, the refillable bottles I use are BPA free so they do not emit the toxins in the water I drink. I am now thinking about and try to reduce the amount of plastic I use.

  7. After watching the video I am very concerned not only for the earth but, also for our health. Before coming into this class and more especially before watching this video I truly and honestly had no idea about anything to do with plastics. But, this video opened my eyes to the harm plastic causes. It was so sad to learn how so many animals in the ocean suffer from materials we use and then throw away. I know this is not a very good example but, while I was watching the beginning of the video, where it talked about plastic harming the ocean life, I couldn't help but think of the movie "Happy Feet" where a penguin has a plastic soda can holder stuck on his neck and he almost dies because of it. It's sad to think that because we want everything to be convenient we are causing so much harm to innocents. The trouble is that not only animals might suffer the use of so much plastic as explained in the video might one day have major health hazards for us. But, it is a comfort to know that there are people who care about issues like this. People all over the world are trying to find ways to recycle plastics better than to go just to landfills. The most amazing one I saw in the movie was the invention in Germany. The invention brings plastic back to oil that can be used for other things. The making of purses from plastic bags in India was so unique, I thought. There are so many things one can come up with to help recycle plastics rather then letting it end up in a landfill and then stick around for... ever. While I was looking online I found some interesting sites on how to recycle plastics in ways that don't lead to the landfill and therefore to plastic damaging the earth and animals in the ocean. I came across a very interesting new project being done in Wales. The project consists of making affordable green homes using recycled plastics. The company leading this project is Affresol. Affresol has innovated a thermal poly rock which is a material that sets like concrete. It is composed of mixtures of plastics. the link to the website is that people care about this is a real revelation to me. I personally would like to help the planet by reducing the types of plastics I use. I will try to drink less from plastic water bottles and I will always remember to place plastics in the recycling bin rather than the regular garbage.

  8. After watching Addicted to Plastic I felt a bit overwhelmed. I have never really stopped to think about my own use of plastic products let alone the use of plastic on a global scale. Learning about all the plastic that is contaminating the ocean was particularly scary. I love the beach and try to go as often as I can. The next time I'm on the beach I'll have something new to think about. It's just so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there is ten times more plastic in the ocean than there is naturally occurring food for the oceans animals. Then there's the fact that plastic is harmful and animals are ingesting it because they are mistaking it for food. Which eventually reaches humans as well. All the plastic that we're surrounded by is being proven to be harmful but just like one of the scientist being interviewed said, it's hard to think of a way to get away from the use of all this plastic. It is encouraging to see that some companies are trying to move to using bioplastics and really any small part that individuals can play in reducing our use of plastic will be helpful to us on an individual and global level.

  9. I did not realize how much plastic is used day to day in our lives until watching the film. Having watched the film has made me realize the massive amounts of plastic that is in our oceans. I was aware that it did harm sea animals but I never really cared to make a change until now. I believe the lack of knowledge about the harm of plastics is one reason why we are not willing to make a change. After watching, I have talked to family and friends about how much plastic we use and how bad it is for the oceans. I believe by spreading the word, it will make a change for the best regardless if it’s something small. I would hope my family and friends also spread the word.

  10. Blog 7- Reaction to Addicted to Plastics Video
    Upon reflecting on this video I have to be blatantly honest. I feel that this video was a bit too long for the information that was given. Now I hope no one takes this the wrong way but I have already known about our global problem with plastics pretty much as long as I can remember. My parents and I didn’t always live in the best of areas and you would often see litter almost everywhere in our neighborhood, in the inner city area, at the parks, etc. And my dad always told me the problem with littering and what it does to the environment. I learned in school about the dumping into the oceans and what destruction it has been causing. I feel terrible that people often have to live in squalor and have to live with these deplorable conditions that are often completely due to the major plastic (and general) corporations. I also am a big animal rights activist and I hate to see animals that are paying for mistakes humans are making. The major problem I have is that there still isn’t a strong enough solution. I understand why videos like this are created, to educate people on the problems and some minor (almost go without saying) suggestions to help decrease the amounts of plastics consumed/used. But, I did not really get a solid answer from this documentary what can (realistically) be done. The root of the problem with plastics in many situations (as the video touched on) is that it is so readily available, cheap, and widespread; and the governing bodies around the world haven’t come up with a united set of regulations for plastics (production and disposal). Furthermore these governing bodies would also have to have a way of enforcing those regulations and making sure that people aren’t being bullied when it comes to these major corporations. In all I feel very upset about this problem and I just wish there was a solid solution for this madness but I guess for now its still a matter of small steps and waiting for a change to happen.

  11. Before watching the video, I did have a common knowledge about the effects of plastic in the world. It’s sad to think about the actual damage that we are causing by not throwing our water bottle into the recycling bin. It isn’t that hard to pick it up and walk ten feet. I wish people weren’t sometimes so stubborn…. It’s sad to think that we literally have to trace back through the food chain and see that what we’re doing is not only harming the cute little dolphin in the ocean but it will also come back to us in our food. No one really thinks that far into it, they see it as out of sight out of mind. In reality, it doesn’t work that way, it’s never worked that way. Everything we do has consequences and one person recycling isn’t going to be enough. I don’t see this ever really changing and I can imagine that the trash in the oceans and on land will continue to accumulate. Plastic is literally in practically everything that we use and if we’re not careful, these products that we take for granted will end up kicking our butts because we didn’t dispose of them properly. It sucks but we have no one to blame but ourselves for a problem this large.

    To Roxanne: I really like your optimism. It makes me happy that watching something like this can really open someone’s eyes. I just hope that the rest of the world will take the time out of their day to maybe try to be a little more informed about what is going on and what they can do to help stop this and help manage damage control.

  12. It's kind of hard to think about plastic as being poisonous and harmful to us when we're surrounded by it on a daily. It's durable convenient and can be used for numerous reasons. We talk about plastic as being harmful and how it's affecting our oceans and the sea animals, but hearing about it and seeing it is two totally different things. It almost seems like it goes in one ear and out of the other. So being able to see the oceans and all the plastic that was floating in it made me so much more aware of how serious this issue was. A big chunk of the plastic, 80% to be exact, that's in the ocean comes from land, which ultimately comes from us as individuals. The only way this issue is going be resolved is by educating our self on how we can dispose of our plastics properly. This video gave me more knowledge on how it's affecting not only the oceans and sea animals but us as humans as well.

  13. I knew we used plastic a lot but never really noticed how much of it we really use. After watching this video I was in awe in how much we really knew. Like he said this was surely a wakeup call. What really blew me away was the fact that he mention that the exfoliating beads in shower gels. I would have never thought that plastic would be in such a thing. I didn’t know or at least wasn’t aware of all the plastic that there is in the ocean. But then again, that’s just shows us how naive people can really be. I wonder if there is another thing that we could used besides plastic that won’t cause so much harm to our environment. I also liked how they describe plastic as the modern clay and how it takes many different shapes and colors. If you think about it plastic now a days some in many different shapes and forms.

    In response to IIsse Rodriguez: When watching the video I was also reminded of the movie happy feet, and it’s sad to know that some animals might be going though just that. Animals should feel comfortable in their own home/environment and we shouldn’t be playing the role of bad guys and stopping them from doing so.

  14. In the video "Addicted to Plastics" it stuns me what i learned about plastics, the quanity of everyday products we use that are plastic without even thinking that its plastic. For example: Pens. Very rarely people use pens until all the ink is gone. People use new pens at a random basis and then the old pen just gets left behind. It amazes me how much plastic we use and it all still goes to oceans. All the lakes and rivers and oceans are all being damaged and have been damaged for a long time. The only conclusion that the government could come up with was to make the society "recycle."

    It doesn't help telling people to recycle because it's not helping. The government needs to figure out a solution on how to dump trash without letting it get into the oceans. Basically it all comes down to that we use an unbelievable amount of plastics. And this video made me realize it a whole lot more.

  15. Watching this video made me realize how little I pay attention to my use of plastic. I really want to start using and buying plastic bottles, and then replace them with a reusable water bottle. I feel like that will make things easier as well. One part that stuck out to me was how the plastic is affecting our beaches. I am a sucker for the ocean, and when something is messing it up I get really upset. A lot of that plastic is getting into the water and can harm a lot of the sea creatures. Not to mention all the trash that is just on the sand and the shore. It makes our beaches look really disgusting, and that is not how we want to portray them. I didn't realize how much plastic I use every day. My pens are made of plastic, I have plastic on my key chain, my calculator, and spirals. I want to try to consume it all as much as we can. If we do, then I feel like our world would be a better place.

  16. Wow this video made me think..woah we are all doomed! There's SOO much plastic everywhere around us! And the fact that the animals are consuming it and then we eat the animals and then the plastic and chemicals are in us!? Those poor fishes and animals. :( I am thinking it is time to take the drastic leap towards being a vegetarian. Well maybe I won't go that far, but maybe just eating fish that I know for certain is farm raised. Watching this has made me even more aware of how much this world depends on plastics for pretty much everything. After watching this video I had to go to Costco to run some errands and was walking down the isles and quickly noticed how every single product contained some sort of plastic in it's packaging. Using plastics cannot be avoided so what is the solution to helping preserve our earth and the species inside our earth? This video didn't really give a blunt solution but I guess as consumers we can be smart and try to use recycled plastics and when faced with the choice on whether to buy something in plastic or another material, hopefully we will pick the other material. But then, where does that material end up? In the gyre with all the other plastics? hmmmm thats why when I watched this my first reaction was woah we are all doomed! And to think that the plastic explosion in the 80's and 90's with different global communication devices has already polluted our earth in the short 30 years. What will it be like in another 30 years? Honestly, before this and the plastic presentation I had never really even given a second thought as to where exactly all this waste and excessive plastic waste goes? I am glad that my knowledge has increased on this subject so I can be a smarter and more educated consumer.

    @ Staci- I really liked when you said, "It is scary to think that something we use everyday could be slowly poisoning us. What frightens me is that although we have found plastics bad for us and the earth, I don’t know if it would be possible to live without it anymore." I felt the exact same way after viewing this film!

  17. The video on plastics made me understand how important recycling is because even though it doesn’t help that much it’s still better than just letting our plastic land in our oceans. It made me more aware of the danger of plastic and just how serious this is and how it is affecting the earth. It’s a big problem for the animals consuming this plastic from our oceans thinking this is food. It is also scary to hear all of the dangers and consequences plastic has on our planet yet there are really no solutions to this plastic problem. Just like Staci and everyone said it’s amazing how much plastic we use every day and some of it is really useful to us. Some of the plastic is so hard to even live without. It is very important that everyone try to do a little part to help like recycle even though it’s still not enough.

  18. The Addicted to Plastics video showed me how the things that everyone thinks are great, can end up being negative. Like the fact that a large amount of plastic is ending up in the oceans which causes harm to the animals that live there. If these creatures are harmed then so can human beings because we depend on the oceans for large amounts of food. Everything that is being used today seems to contain some amount of plastic. There is no escaping the fact that we have a huge problem at hand but I don’t believe we can solve this one. Plastic has become so handy that it is doubtful that everybody would just stop using it to help the environment. People are mainly concerned with convenience instead of the state of the Earth and its creatures. I think the main thing we can do is just recycle as much as possible so that we don’t have to introduce more plastic into the world.

  19. What I have learned from this video was so much interesting stuff that I personally did not know myself that not all plastic can be dissolve mostly all is still here. That jiar-ocean most plastic hunting and the United Nations claim there are 46000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of ocean. That plastic cumulates marine life while is in the ocean. They blame behavior and education, and there is
    10 times more plastic than ordinary food in the ocean. Plastic cumulates oily pollutions, nertales that fish eat thinking is food then it goes to our food chain. It surprised me how much plastic when birds were dissected. Many bottles for coke are reused. Not many people recycle now because they say it doesn’t work. There was an interesting part where they were recycling a jacket was surprising for new clothing but not many people contribute to it.
    Also how were other countries dealing with it: band plastic bags, 60% in India is recycled, they tear everything apart and keep many of it. The way they were trying to make a new way of plastic was also very interesting. And lastly the most that caught my attention were the plastic dissolving into water sounds very good for today’s use and is nontoxic as well. From this video I learned a lot and I believe that we should make a change somehow because we would be the one being affected by it at the end.

    In response to Cecilia yes I agree that it had thought me that recycling is a big part in all this even though it may not seem as much but it is.

  20. This video is shocking. I have seen something similar to this before, but every time it just amazes me just how unsafe plastics is. The amount of plastic that ends up in the water is outrageous. A normal person would never keep all that trash in their house. So then why do we continue to trash the world with our plastic? Humans look for convenience and efficiency and plastic provides that. If we took everything that has plastic out of our life, we would have nothing.The fact is its a huge part of our lives but we need to find a way to make it safe for all of the other animals in the world.

  21. Genesis:
    Plastic that dissolves into water, I think, was a really good idea. If it dissolved and was nontoxic then we wouldn't have to worry about harming our planet and all of the creatures in it. It would be a win win situation because we as consumers would be able to still have our convenience of plastic and be able to safely get rid of it as well. That would be an ideal world but I just wonder how long it would actually take before something like that happens.

  22. Wow it's amazing how we really are addicted to plastics, it's everywhere, but like he said "plastic is killing us quietly". I didn't know how toxic plastic was, I knew it wasn't that good but had no idea how big the problem really was. Also, I knew there was plastic in the oceans but definitely didn't know the problem was so big. Plastic is convenient for us, but we have to find a way to use less plastic in our lives and to make it safe for the planet.

  23. Response to Cecilia:
    I agree with you, it is much better to recycle even if it doesn't help much, than for our plastic to end in the ocean and contaminate, kill, marine life.

  24. I was shocked after watching this video because I never really thought about how much of the things we use and throw away everyday is all made of plastic. It is really sad to see how it is affecting our oceans and wildlife. It was crazy to see when they opened up the bird that he had so many pieces of plastic inside of him which is probably what caused him to die. I think that we need to make everybody more aware of where the stuff they use and throw away really goes because I know that I did not know a lot of this, and I feel like that if people were more aware then they might do more to help out and maybe be more cautious of what they use and throw away. I also think the plastic that they were talking about that would dissolve in water would be good for a lot of materials because that way it will not stay in our oceans for forever like the plastics we use now. It is crazy to think about all this plastic wastes that we have now will never go away. After a while it seems like we will run out of space to keep it all, and this is a very scary thought.

  25. This video was a real eye-opener as to how depended people are on to plastic. When the narrator used the term, "disposable lifestyle" it really showed how important plastic is for people today. People today are so used to using a product for a short amount of time and getting rid of it once they feel like they are done with it. People don't buy with thinking about the consequences, they just throw away the cheap products because they are just that, cheap and easy to part with. The effect of this constant throwing away of products is shown first hand when they visit the ocean and see how abundant it is in the environment. It really blew my mind because the ocean is so large, and in that spot the trash was so abundant.

  26. I am truly amazed at how much plastic is in my life. I remember the little experiment in class when we pulled out of our bags everything that had plastic in it. I probably could have set the whole bag and contents on the table for there was that much of it. I am starting to think, question maybe, that plastic might be in everything! What to do? We use so much and rely on it so much that I am at a crossroads. Can I make a difference!? Does my recycling really help? For when I recycle does the city complete the process or they at a crossroads too? I am glad to hear of the man in Houston with the railroad ties. I hope it is legit. I do now wonder about the fish we eat. Is it safe? I do not like the worry or stress over this issue!

    But I agree with Cecilia and David that we need to recycle and keep reclcying. Eventally our small part will help.

  27. In this video, I learned that somethings that are used and consumed daily really are harmful. The fact that most people use plastic water bottles daily and do not think about where they are going to end up is just disturbing. I wish that everyone was a little bit more environmentally conscious and recycled their water bottles or switched to some other form of container.

    Kristen - I agree it is really scary thinking about the lack of space that we have.

  28. Watching the Addicted to Plastics video made me a little skeptical on the topic of plastic. Having been a part of the group that presented this topic my mind had already been thinking a lot about the amount of plastic we use. I find it crazy when realizing how much plastic I use and how so many different things contain plastic when I never realized it. This video was for sure an eye opener and ever since my group presented I have been re-thinking the amount of plastic that I use.

  29. In response to Kelsi: I agree that we as a society are very dependent on plastic. We may not even realize it or want to believe it but we are dependent on plastic.

    In response to Kristen: We don't realize how often we throw away plastic. Each individual should try and cut back on the amount of plastic we use. If we continue to use large amounts of plastic, I think that we should try and recycle more.

  30. I can totally agree with all the responses I have read so far. No one realizes exactly how much plastic we are using on a daily basis. I speak from experience. I knew I was a big plastic user, but I had no idea it was becoming a problem in the world we live in today. Now that I have seen the video, I am now more knowledgeable about how plastic will only hurt is in the long run. Although we as people benefit off it sadly, many others such as animals suffer greatly from it. Plastic today is very convenient for anyone who uses it; its cheap to buy, useful in numerous ways and very easy to dispose of. I agree something needs to done before it is too late! I know I can make a difference in the my use of plastic, but will that be good enough? It needs to be an effort all around the world. Spreading the word about what is going on I believe will make a big difference. How can people change something they do not know. I am the perfect example, I had no idea of what was going on. Watching this video has made me aware of what needs to be done.

    In response to elida:
    I can relate to your shock of plastic use!! It really is crazy to see how much plastic is really used when we are actually taught about it.

  31. This video is an eye opener. Because we are surrounded by plastics everywhere, it gets harder for people to realize the harm they are actually promoting. Convenience stores have dozens of bottled drinks. They provide plastic cups for fountain drinks. They should make a rule about if you want a fountain drink bring your own recyclable cup or something. I know they have recycling bins everywhere now but some people still dont know what is recyclable and what isn't. People do use too many plastics everyday. Im sure everyone has heard it enough but if we all had our own reusable cups that we carry everywhere and instead of buying bottled drinks we just refill our cups, that would probably help the global situation.
